Data Center & Network
Data Center & Network

Rebel Networks Main Data Center is at 151 Front Street, Toronto.
151 Front Street is home to more than 150 Telecommunications companies and is one of the largest in North America. It has 25 Diverse entrances with 9 unique fiber-optic networks and more than 7000 strands of fiber.
The building has 24×7×365 Security, with uniformed security at the front desk, CCTV cameras throughout. Entry to the building is via entry-card access, and the front door has a “MANTRAP” for controlled entry and limited. Security is all secured areas including the Meet-me-rooms and Riser Systems.
151 Front Street West was built in 1954 to house Telegraph and equipment and has evolved together with the industry. It was also engineered to accommodate the additional weight and vibration of the tenant equipment.

The building has a GRID-IRON network of structural steel on the lower and upper roofs to accommodate coiling towers, generators, chillers, and condensers
Diesel Fuel Farm, 151 Front Street, West features 4 environmentally-compliant diesel fuel storage facilities that can house over 44,000 gallons of fuel for generators. refueling trucks and roll-up generators ensure the facilities with 7 x 245 x 365 power.
Data Center & Network:
RebelNetwork Data Center & Network currently has mulct-GIG-E fiber connections in 2 suites at 151 Front Street. The Suites currently has mulct-GIG-E fiber connections in 2 suites at 151 Front Street. The Suites are connected via meet-me-room cross-connects (Fiber).